Tech Truths Podcast
Service Type: Podcast Production and Consulting, Branding
Industry Type: Tech
Years In Business: 1
Company Size: Solopreneur
Brand Introduction
Tech Truths is a podcast hosted by tech copywriter and content creator, Noelle Abarelli. Noelle is a seasoned tech marketer who has been working in the B2B tech space for many years creating content for various tech companies. Noelle approached Wild Moon about her idea for a podcast centered around the tech industry in mid 2022. Noelle had a vision of developing a podcast in which she could further market her own clients by having them join her as guests on the show. When she approached us about her brilliant idea, we said yes immediately!
Through in-depth interviews with her clients in the tech industry, Noelle has been able to help share insights for those in the tech world who have specific pain points only other professionals in the field can help alleviate through advice and personal experience.
The Challenge
Our primary challenge with this podcast was to create a branding experience that appealed to both men and women, while also seamlessly complimenting her existing agency brand. Being that tech is a heavily male dominated industry, we wanted to appeal to this demographic while also keeping in mind that our show is hosted by a female entrepreneur.
The Solution
Through a neutral color palette and strong, clean visuals, we were able to achieve a look that feels welcoming to any tech virtuoso looking to gain additional industry knowledge.